Our integrity is backed by confidence. We are confident, because we care–deeply–about your project, and we know we can stand strong because we are committed to delivering the full solution you need. Trustworthy. Dependable. Efficient.
Our leadership team is committed to ensuring you have an abundance of communication, a strong project plan and confidence in the delivery of your finished product.
Wagner has a more than 12 year history of delighting our clients and delivering products and services that they can count on. When we started this business in 2010, we knew that in this business you live and die by the value of your word and reputation, so we set out to create a company that was confident, but backed by integrity. We strive to succeed only through the satisfaction of our clients.
#1 Rated Roofing Contractor
As the #1 rated roofing contractor in Ohio and Missouri, we pride ourselves on customer satisfaction.
Wagner Process
From the moment of your first on-site inspection, you’ll note The Wagner Process as one that is extensive, comprehensive, and complete.
Our team will hold your hand throughout the entire process, so you are kept up to speed and informed about what is happening when, and what you can expect next.