The cost of commercial roof replacements can vary depending on square footage and underlying conditions of a roof. Commercial roof replacements can be quite costly, so why wouldn’t you consider doing whatever you could to extend the life of a roof? Just like maintenance for a vehicle or an HVAC system, investing in a preventative service plan will certainly be beneficial in the long run. Without regular inspections and service practices, we would all be replacing these costly purchases much sooner than expected. You can extend the life of the roof with a Commercial Service Maintenance Plan.
The lifespan of a roof will fluctuate depending on the various roofing materials used for commercial properties, as different roofing materials have their own life expectancy.
- Asphalt Roofing System Life Expectancy: 20 years
- Metal Roofing System Life Expectancy: 40 Years
- EPDM Roofing System: 35 Years
- TPO Roofing System: 20 Years
Other factors that can of course affect the lifespan of any roof include improper installation, excessive damage from the sun, wind, rain, snow, hail, structural issues, and overall neglect, are all elements that play into premature deterioration. However, premature damage is less likely to happen when utilizing a routine service maintenance plan to keep your roof in tip-top shape.

What does a Service Maintenance Plan Look Like?
Implementing a regular service maintenance plan for your commercial roof will save you from handing the tedious seasonal upkeep yourself. We understand that each roof is different from the next, so each of our plans are customized based upon the wants and needs of the client. Overall, you can expect the following in a routine service maintenance plan:
- Overview inspection—the Wagner Service Team will visually inspect your roof and assess for penetrations, concerns, lifting of roofing material, flashings, etc.
- Clearing drains and gutters of any debris—debris will be removed so the drainage system can function properly.
- Tackle any minor repair work during the inspection—the Wagner Service Team will fix any small, minor repairs on the spot if need be
- Develop a comprehensive report and diagnosis of the most current state of your roof—this report will put the overview inspection onto paper and recorded in our system. This will include photos of the inspection and any concerning areas that may need addressed in the future.
Why You Should Budget for Service Maintenance Plan
If you just spent thousands of dollars on a new roof, you may be wondering “why would I want to spend more money on a maintenance plan?”. Roofing systems will only last to the entirety of their lifespan if they’re properly maintained over the years. Two prominent reasons as to why you should budget for a service plan is your warranty and connection with your contractor.
Did you know your commercial roof warranty could be voided if regular service is neglected? Some warranties state in their terms and conditions that without proper documentation of regular inspections and maintenance that some damages will not be covered under warranty. This especially applies to standing water on roofs. Your warranty doesn’t necessarily go out the window when something goes wrong, but it does hold the building owner responsible for consistent upkeep. If you want to take full advantage of your commercial roof warranty, you may want to consider enrolling in a service maintenance plan.
Having a service maintenance plan already in place with your contractor can be beneficial in unpredictable circumstances like storm damage and other emergency-related repairs. To begin, your contractor will already have a full synopsis of your roof on hand. If we were to get an emergency call, we would be able to squeeze you into the schedule as soon as possible and take care of the damage and/or repairs quickly. However, not having this prior rapport with a contractor will draw this process out longer than necessary. The longer repairs are drawn out, the worse (and more expensive) the damages can get. Without the knowledge from prior reports of inspections and details about the roof, a Wagner Service Team member would have no previous knowledge of the roof. Already having a service maintenance plan in place can certainly save your commercial roof in times of unpredictable circumstances.
Closing Thoughts
Ultimately, utilizing a service maintenance plan with Wagner Roofing & Construction Solutions is strictly up to the building owner. It’s not required, but it’s certainly recommended by our professionals. Taking the preventative precautions will allow your roof to meet—or even extended—its life expectancy. In a time of utilizing a warranty, regular service maintenance proves the proper precautions were taken to gain the most coverage on the warranty as possible.
Don’t Wait for Roofing Damage
To set up your customized service maintenance plan click the link to fill out our form.