Nothing beats the feeling of home ownership. A place all your own, where you and your family can call the shots and decide how to make this house a home. The care and maintenance of your property can feel like a huge responsibility. But if you take it one step at a time your house will take care of you for years to come. Whether your home is new or new to you, one aspect of home ownership that can feel intimidating is roof care. Wagner Roofing is here to help.
Regular Assessment
The best thing you can do for the longevity of your roof is to catch any problems early on. Annual inspections go a long way toward preventing bigger problems. You should have your roof professionally assessed at least once a year along with regular inspections of your attic space for any visible concerns like leaks or mold. Perform a check to ensure the integrity of your roof if you have experienced any extreme weather such as heavy winds, hail, snow, or ice.
Rejuvenation or Replacement
Not everyone gets a brand-new home with all the bells and whistles. As a new homeowner, the best thing you can do is accept that at some point your roof is going to require some work to stay fresh. Roof Rejuvenation can prolong the strength and quality of your roofing by years, helping to prevent bigger problems down the line while keeping your budget intact. Roof replacement can be a costly project, so if there are additional maintenance steps like roof rejuvenation it can be a great way to forge the larger replacement project while you save for it down the road. Work with a professional to find out more about your roof’s current needs and if you can use roof rejuvenation to hold off a replacement.
Stay Proactive

While most roofing is best left to the professionals, there are things you can do as a homeowner to help protect your home and prevent damage before it happens. Clean your gutters out on a regular basis to prevent mold, rust, and moisture damage. Remove any debris from your roof as soon as possible and check your property to see if there are any overhanging branches or dead trees that could pose a danger to your structure. Keeping an eye out for any loose or broken shingles, especially after extreme weather, can help you cut down on more costly repair measures.
Know Your Coverage
Take a good, long look at your insurance policy and the warranty for your roof. If your roof is under warranty then you need to know exactly what is guaranteed by the contractors and what you will be directly responsible for. If you work with a new contractor to repair damages, be sure to know that policy as well. Insurance can be a boon to homeowners but your policy may not cover everything. Be prepared to take care of potential issues with roofing repair and care over the years.
Stay Local
Working with a local, professional company is about more than knowing they are right down the street. When a company is local they are better prepared for the unique challenges of roofing in your climate. They have most likely worked with other homeowners in your area giving them an established understanding of the environmental challenges and regulations you have to work within. Working with a local company also means that they keep a running diagnostic of what your roof has been through, giving them an advantage on any necessary maintenance going forward.
Your roof will be there for you for years to come. Be there for your roof by staying proactive. Give us a call to start working with professional roofers today.